Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Don't Look Back Into The Sun

Yikes. So much has happened since my last real blog post! The last six months have both concluded the last fourteen years of school and (hopefully) opened the door to the next chapter of my life. It's safe to say that, for me at least, exam season is not conducive to great fashion, hence my recent absence from this blog! But now that exams, stress, school and homework are truly over forever, and I only have the long, hot and sultry summer to look forward to, it's time to make my return to my two true loves: beauty and style, in whichever forms that they take.

Here are some of the few fashion snippets that have marked the end of the schoolgirl era.

(Propping up the drinks table on the Leavers 'Prom' Night- Blue French Connection cocktail dress)

(Wearing an Olive shirt and Topshop shorts at the Leavers' Awards Ceremony- yes I won something!)

(From the impromptu road trip my boyfriend whisked me off on the day after my last exam, to de- stress!)

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